Honoring Our Heroes: New Jersey Firefighters Lost in the Line of Duty
Firefighting is a calling that demands courage, sacrifice, and an unwavering commitment to protecting others. Tragically, some of New Jersey's bravest have made the ultimate sacrifice while serving their communities.
We have listed below all known firefighters lost in New Jersey from the time record-keeping began through 2023. This list represents our ongoing effort to honor their legacy, and we will continue updating it as new information is confirmed.
In New Jersey, a firefighter's death is classified as a Line-of-Duty Death (LODD) if it results from injuries sustained while performing authorized firefighting duties. This encompasses any action the firefighter is obligated or authorized to perform by law, rule, regulation, or condition of employment or service.
Key Criteria for LODD Classification:
- Authorized Duties: The fatality must occur during activities sanctioned by the fire department, including emergency responses, training exercises, or other assigned tasks.
- Work-Related Environment: The incident leading to death should arise from an event or exposure in the work environment, which includes the physical location, equipment, materials used, and operations performed during the firefighter's duties, whether on or off the employer's premises.