The Mission Statement of the NJ Fire Museum and Fallen Firefighters Memorial requires us to Preserve and Educate the Fire Service and General Public in New Jersey. In order to reach those goals it was determined that a Library would be established along with the preservation of apparatus and other firematic artifacts.

The Library was established as a research and information location for the Fire Service and General Public. Materials from private individuals as well as from publishers and other sources have been acquired to start this collection. We now have over 1,800 volumes (includes: books, articles, video’s and digital formats) addressing the history of the Fire Service as well as technical and training materials for basic to advanced fire service topics dating from the late 1700’s - early 1800’s to the present.

The library today functions as a research facility however, as we grow many of the items may be available through a loan program. The facility is available for use at the current time by contacting a staff member for access. It is also open on the 1st Saturday of each month and most of the other Saturdays if someone is present. We still welcome additional donations and look forward to seeing you in the future. Come and share this valuable collection resource if the History of Our Great Tradition of firefighting service to the State of New Jersey.